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B i o g r a p h y

I play traditional Irish music, mostly on the fiddle (though I have been known to dabble on the concertina now and again).


I grew up playing violin in a family of classical musicians, but fell in love with Irish traditional music in the early 1990's at sessions in Chicago and later Boston, where I've been living for nearly 20 years now.


Over the years, I've competed in, and won a few competitions (most notably both North American Fleadhanna Cheoil), I've performed in a number of relatively high profile groups (with Robbie O'Connell, Aoife Clancy, and Tim O'Brien's band The Crossing at the GreyFox bluegrass festival).  I've been on a few videos and DVDs (Dancing at the Crossroads, Secrets of the Sole, and "A Christmas Celtic Sojourn LIVE" from WGBH).


In August of 2013, I returned from a 6-month stint in Dublin, where I worked during the day, and played as much as I could manage at night an on the weekends.


These days, I mostly play in local sessions at the Druid and The Burren, teach fiddle, and host House Concerts in Medford. When I'm not working as a Site Reliability Engineer for a certain well-known internet company


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